Oh this card is so so beautiful.
I bet it's Tiny Prints.
(turns card over)
And so when Tiny Prints e-mailed to give me the opportunity to get 50 free cards in return for a blog post. Well, my friends, I am totally willing to pimp myself out for that!
Especially because this year...this year? I already have our Christmas card photos! This might be the year that I return to my pre-kid days of mailing my Christmas cards immediately after Thanksgiving, instead of barely-in-time-to-arrive-before Christmas. (And I'll be interested to see if this new mama friend, our first card received for two years in a row, will switch places with me!)
This summer when my sister and adorable nephew were visiting, we had the most wonderful photo shoot of the grandparents and their grandsons. Oh these photos! They are stunning! There are wonderful photos of the three boys together, wonderful photos of the boys and the grandparents, wonderful photos of each boy alone.... We've been oohing and ahhing over the photos since we got them back. (And Nathaniel truly steals the show--there are dozens of perfect photos of him!)
So I have the photos this year, but the hardest part is going to be choosing a Tiny Prints card....
I love this one -- the photos are clearly the focus of the card. I also love that it opens so there's room to jot a note on the inside...

And what about this? The great thing about this card is that when Christmas is long gone, our friends and family can cut the pictures off and have two lovely stand alone photos of the boys on their fridge.

Decisions! Decisions! (But of the best kind!!)
As I mentioned, Tiny Prints offered me 50 free cards for a blog post, but all opinions are 100% mine!
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!