Friday was a day that will go down in history as an exceptional day in the life of this hard-working mama. My parents had been desperate for some solo Lucas time so Abel met them half-way between our house and theirs on Friday morning before going into work. That left me at home alone all day Friday.
Let me repeat: home alone all day! Is there anything a mom dreams about more? (Well, yes a few things, but this ranks pretty high up there!)
Obviously there were 101 things I could have done around the house to be productive but I decided to give myself a much needed pass. A pass on the entire day. What did I accomplish between the hours of 10am and 5:30pm when Abel got home? Well, I read more than 400 pages of the 3rd Twilight book, ate lunch and took a nap. What else? Hmmm...absolutely nothing. Seriously. I don't think I've been so relaxed in, oh, 3.5 years.
When Abel got home we ate dinner and went to see The Hangover. We laughed like crazy. What an awesome day.
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Favorite Things Friday: VistaPrint

Before Christmas, Jessica of A Parent in Silver Spring wrote a review of photo Christmas cards and mentioned a company named VistaPrint. She mentioned all the great items you can get through them for the cost of shipping and I immediately clicked over to their site. I didn't get my Christmas cards there, but did order some great items to use as Christmas gifts. Since then I've ordered glossy postcards and business cards for a community organization I'm co-chair of and personal business cards for myself. The deals are amazing! That's why I'm featuring VistaPrint as my Favorite Things Friday today.
To illustrate just how great these deals are, here's a quick overview of my orders to date:
To illustrate just how great these deals are, here's a quick overview of my orders to date:
Personalized pad of sticky notes, personalized notepad, personalized wall calendar, personalized note cards and personalized return address stamp: $7.19
250 glossy business cards, 10 personalized note cards: $7.15
100 glossy, personalized postcards: $6.49
250 glossy business cards, 10 personalized note cards: $7.15
100 glossy, personalized postcards: $6.49
250 personalized business cards: $5.45
For my own personal business cards I included only my name, home phone, cell phone and e-mail. They are the perfect "mommy calling card" to give out at the park and yet are also professional enough to hand out at the many community and political events I attend.
Here are my tips:
- Once you get to the website simply click on any of the "free" items to see the deals.
- The more free items you purchase the higher your shipping will be, but it only seems to increase incrementally so order away!
- When you place an order be sure to say "NO" to the many, many offers they suggest as you head toward the check out. Even the free ones!! It's a tad bit annoying but totally worth it for inexpensive, quality personalized products.
- Unless you are in a real time crunch, go ahead and choose the slowest shipping method. I've never had an order take more than 2 weeks to arrive (and most have arrived in only 1 week) no matter what they say.
- Once you create an account, they will send you regular e-mails with all the free deals. It does get a bit addictive!
Happy printing!
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Are you reading my new blog, Out by Ten, for lots of great ideas for getting out and about with your family? Well, click on over and leave a comment for a chance to win 4 lawn seats (an $80 value!) to the upcoming show "Bugs Bunny on Broadway" at the Merriweather Post Pavilion on July 11.
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I'm not sure how long ago my sister first told me I had to read the Twilight series. But, I blew her off. Then my mom started them. And I blew her off, too. Then Abel randomly suggested we watch the movie a few weeks ago. He was ready to turn it off in about 15 minutes but I was hooked. It wasn't a great movie, but it was good enough. And I knew that people who are crazy about Twilight said that the movie didn't even come close to doing the book justice. I could see the potential. Luckily my mom was visiting the next weekend and was able to bring the first book with her.
I could not put it down.
I finished it in a few days and promptly bought the second one at Target. I can't even remember the last time I bought a book instead of getting it from the library but I just had to have that book. Immediately.
I finished the second book last night.
Numbers three and four are all checked out at the library so I put out a plea to our town listserv to borrow them. I was fully prepared to buy them tonight but luckily a friend and neighbor replied that I could borrow her copies. I'm going to pick them up tonight.
If you, like me, have blown off this whole Twilight hysteria I'm begging you: don't wait another second. Start reading today! You won't be disappointed.
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
I could not put it down.
I finished it in a few days and promptly bought the second one at Target. I can't even remember the last time I bought a book instead of getting it from the library but I just had to have that book. Immediately.
I finished the second book last night.
Numbers three and four are all checked out at the library so I put out a plea to our town listserv to borrow them. I was fully prepared to buy them tonight but luckily a friend and neighbor replied that I could borrow her copies. I'm going to pick them up tonight.
If you, like me, have blown off this whole Twilight hysteria I'm begging you: don't wait another second. Start reading today! You won't be disappointed.
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Monday, June 22, 2009
8 weeks
Abel: Lucas, do you want a baby brother or a baby sister?
Lucas: Um. I want a Tuck. No, a Ming Ming. No! A Tuck!
Smiling Mama: Based on the picture, at this point I'd say it's a toss up!
Lucas: Um. I want a Tuck. No, a Ming Ming. No! A Tuck!
Smiling Mama: Based on the picture, at this point I'd say it's a toss up!

Yay! I'm pregnant! Due end of January. Needless to say, we're thrilled. Stay tuned for many hundreds of posts to come on the subject!
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Favorite Things Friday: Trader Joe's Peanut Butter Cups

Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Two Dog Day
Dog 1
Yesterday morning about 9am, I was still in my nightgown washing dishes and Lucas was still in his PJs playing in the living room. I planned to pack a lunch and head to the pool to get there at 11am, just as it opened, so there was so sense in us getting dressed to lounge around the house then change into our swim suites. Or, so I thought, anyway.
Suddenly I heard Lucas yell something then the storm door opened and slammed shut. By the time I turned off the water and bolted the 10 steps to our front door, Lucas was sprinting down the sidewalk and was already about 4 houses away--the far end of my normal comfort level for him to be away from the house when I'm outside but not walking with him. I started yelling his name and telling him to stop. Not only did he not stop, he didn't even break his stride to pause or look back at me. Finally he did stop and I realized the reason for his escape: our elderly neighbor was out walking his dog, Max, the love of Lucas's life. By this time I'm standing out on the sidewalk.
Remember: in my nightgown, screaming. And also: mortified.
Luckily our neighbor turned around and walked Max and Lucas back to our house. I thanked him and apologized. He just chuckled. I took Lucas inside and immediately sat him on the naughty step. I was fuming. Lucas was devastated and started screaming at the top of his lungs. I think he was less concerned about being disciplined and more upset about not seeing Max for longer. I swear, anyone walking by would have thought I was beating the crap out of him. Which, I assure you, I was not. But, given how upset I was, I easily could have been.
Dog 2
After a busy day, I decided to pick up pizza for dinner last night. When Lucas and I got home, a new dog was outside with our neighbors. She was awfully friendly and came over to say hello to us, practically jumping into our van. At that point, I noticed the neighbors were all inside. One yelled out to us that it wasn't their dog. I looked around and no other potential owner was in sight. The dog had a collar and tags and so I made a split-second decision to put her in our fenced in yard and hope that we could locate the owner quickly.
Lucas was in heaven. He started proclaiming: we got a dog! We got a dog! I explained to him--the first of many, many times--that this wasn't our dog and that her owner was probably very sad and looking for her. We'd just give her some water and keep her safe until her owner could be found.
I quickly took a photo with my phone and posted a Lost Dog message to our town listserv. For someone who has never owned a pet and who is really not comfortable at all around animals, I was taking it all in stride. Our local animal rescuer (a neighbor who is always helping lost/abandoned animals, etc.) called soon to offer a crate and dog food in hopes we'd be willing to keep the dog for up to a few days rather than take her to the local (and very quick to euthanize) shelter. I agreed, but with a bit of trepidation.
Lucas spent the rest of the evening obsessed with the dog. He looked out every window to follow her around the yard. We went out several times to pet her, take her water and attempt a game of catch. When inside, Lucas was frantic to go outside. When a plane flew overhead, he got worried the dog would be scared (our neighbor's dog whines like crazy whenever planes fly overhead, which unfortunately for us is often). When Abel arrived home, he cheerfully announced, again, we got a dog! We got a dog!
Luckily after just a few hours the owner called and walked over to collect her. Lucas said a very heartfelt good bye and I had to admit that I enjoyed Shadow's company for that short time as well.
But, I think we had quite enough dog adventures for one day!
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Yesterday morning about 9am, I was still in my nightgown washing dishes and Lucas was still in his PJs playing in the living room. I planned to pack a lunch and head to the pool to get there at 11am, just as it opened, so there was so sense in us getting dressed to lounge around the house then change into our swim suites. Or, so I thought, anyway.
Suddenly I heard Lucas yell something then the storm door opened and slammed shut. By the time I turned off the water and bolted the 10 steps to our front door, Lucas was sprinting down the sidewalk and was already about 4 houses away--the far end of my normal comfort level for him to be away from the house when I'm outside but not walking with him. I started yelling his name and telling him to stop. Not only did he not stop, he didn't even break his stride to pause or look back at me. Finally he did stop and I realized the reason for his escape: our elderly neighbor was out walking his dog, Max, the love of Lucas's life. By this time I'm standing out on the sidewalk.
Remember: in my nightgown, screaming. And also: mortified.
Luckily our neighbor turned around and walked Max and Lucas back to our house. I thanked him and apologized. He just chuckled. I took Lucas inside and immediately sat him on the naughty step. I was fuming. Lucas was devastated and started screaming at the top of his lungs. I think he was less concerned about being disciplined and more upset about not seeing Max for longer. I swear, anyone walking by would have thought I was beating the crap out of him. Which, I assure you, I was not. But, given how upset I was, I easily could have been.
Dog 2
After a busy day, I decided to pick up pizza for dinner last night. When Lucas and I got home, a new dog was outside with our neighbors. She was awfully friendly and came over to say hello to us, practically jumping into our van. At that point, I noticed the neighbors were all inside. One yelled out to us that it wasn't their dog. I looked around and no other potential owner was in sight. The dog had a collar and tags and so I made a split-second decision to put her in our fenced in yard and hope that we could locate the owner quickly.
Lucas was in heaven. He started proclaiming: we got a dog! We got a dog! I explained to him--the first of many, many times--that this wasn't our dog and that her owner was probably very sad and looking for her. We'd just give her some water and keep her safe until her owner could be found.
I quickly took a photo with my phone and posted a Lost Dog message to our town listserv. For someone who has never owned a pet and who is really not comfortable at all around animals, I was taking it all in stride. Our local animal rescuer (a neighbor who is always helping lost/abandoned animals, etc.) called soon to offer a crate and dog food in hopes we'd be willing to keep the dog for up to a few days rather than take her to the local (and very quick to euthanize) shelter. I agreed, but with a bit of trepidation.
Lucas spent the rest of the evening obsessed with the dog. He looked out every window to follow her around the yard. We went out several times to pet her, take her water and attempt a game of catch. When inside, Lucas was frantic to go outside. When a plane flew overhead, he got worried the dog would be scared (our neighbor's dog whines like crazy whenever planes fly overhead, which unfortunately for us is often). When Abel arrived home, he cheerfully announced, again, we got a dog! We got a dog!
Luckily after just a few hours the owner called and walked over to collect her. Lucas said a very heartfelt good bye and I had to admit that I enjoyed Shadow's company for that short time as well.
But, I think we had quite enough dog adventures for one day!
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Summertime fun
Saturday was chock full of parties for us. We began the day at our community market, chatting with friends, picking up our CSA share and stocking up on lots of goodies. After lunch and naps we walked over to a really lovely birthday party. I smugly noted that Lucas went for the bead necklaces instead of the candy after Abel cracked open the pinata. (This was, of course, after each kid had many, many chances do to the honors. It cracks me up that the actual pinata breaking always seems to fall to a dad!)
After a quick stop at home for dinner and a clothing change for Lucas (he was filthy!) we headed off to the most lovely summer party: an ice cream potluck. I'll tell you, this idea is ingenious. The hosts provided their lovely yard (front and back), including a swing set, sand box and moon bounce for the kiddos. They put up several long tables in their driveway and provided lots of water, bowls and spoons. Guests were told to bring their favorite ice cream flavor or topping. It was easy and delicious. We stayed until the moon bounce was deflated and put away, at which point I looked over to notice Lucas with a bowl of sprinkles and a spoon. He only took--I think!--about two bites. But those were two bites of pure sugar in sprinkle form. So much for my smug attitude about his non-candy choices after the pinata earlier in the day!
We all came home exhausted but grateful, once again, for living in such a lovely town with such lovely neighbors.
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
After a quick stop at home for dinner and a clothing change for Lucas (he was filthy!) we headed off to the most lovely summer party: an ice cream potluck. I'll tell you, this idea is ingenious. The hosts provided their lovely yard (front and back), including a swing set, sand box and moon bounce for the kiddos. They put up several long tables in their driveway and provided lots of water, bowls and spoons. Guests were told to bring their favorite ice cream flavor or topping. It was easy and delicious. We stayed until the moon bounce was deflated and put away, at which point I looked over to notice Lucas with a bowl of sprinkles and a spoon. He only took--I think!--about two bites. But those were two bites of pure sugar in sprinkle form. So much for my smug attitude about his non-candy choices after the pinata earlier in the day!
We all came home exhausted but grateful, once again, for living in such a lovely town with such lovely neighbors.
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Can technology recreate the dining room table?
I have never understood the old adage that you shouldn’t ever discuss politics or religion. That’s because, growing up, politics and religion seemed to be the only two things my family did discuss.
I come from a big family. My mom’s the fourth of six kids and there are 18 first cousins. My mom and her siblings scattered after college but they all came home to my grandparents’ at least once--and often twice--a year. We'd cram into their modest house and sleep on beds, cots, the couch, floor and even, at times, someone was relegated to my grandfather’s old recliner. And the heart of their house was the dining room table. That’s where the action happened. Late into the night discussions of every topic on earth, but always either starting at or coming around to—you guessed it—politics and religion.
Both my grandparents have now been deceased for more than a decade and while that physical dining room table lives on at the home of one of my cousins, we haven’t been able to recreate the spirit of the dining room table since their deaths. Certainly there have been mini reunions. Groups of us have come together for weekend visits. But, we haven’t been able to get together with the entire family like we did back in the day. Time, distance, family commitments and the fact that my generation is busy producing and raising the next generation have kept us apart.
There have been virtual attempts, too. Various e-mail messages have been sent with intense discussions ensuing. But, inevitably someone has been left off the list and only gets part of the conversation. Or, someone forgets to reply to all. And there was one unfortunate incident where my sister decided to send a mass e-mail that she was planning to switch her college major to theology. A passionate and lengthy string of e-mails followed, which was great fun. The unfortunate part comes in that some of her friends were on that original message and found themselves on all the messages as we continued to reply all while discussing topics ranging from the world political order to Liberation Theology. I think those innocent bystanders were a little shell shocked to say the least!
In an attempt to better recreate that dining room table, I recently put together a simple group listserv for my family. While some embraced it fully from the start, there was initial hesitation from others. We’re still working out the kinks and I don't really know if technology can come close to recreating the feeling of that dining room table. What I do know is that I’m greatly looking forward to some in-depth and intense conversations about politics and religion. And, perhaps, a little family gossip as well!
Original post to DC Metro Moms. When Aimee Olivo isn’t talking politics and religion with her family she can be found talking about all sorts of other things at Smiling Mama or blogging about great family-friendly activities at Out by Ten.
Leticia- Tech Savvy Mama said...
I love that you created a listserv for your family! The next step is to check out Silver Spring based where you can create a family website and pass protect it. There you can use a template to create a site to share photos, schedule a family reunion using the calendar, and family members can write their own blog posts! It's free and easy and Tech Savvy Mama recommended!
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
I come from a big family. My mom’s the fourth of six kids and there are 18 first cousins. My mom and her siblings scattered after college but they all came home to my grandparents’ at least once--and often twice--a year. We'd cram into their modest house and sleep on beds, cots, the couch, floor and even, at times, someone was relegated to my grandfather’s old recliner. And the heart of their house was the dining room table. That’s where the action happened. Late into the night discussions of every topic on earth, but always either starting at or coming around to—you guessed it—politics and religion.
Both my grandparents have now been deceased for more than a decade and while that physical dining room table lives on at the home of one of my cousins, we haven’t been able to recreate the spirit of the dining room table since their deaths. Certainly there have been mini reunions. Groups of us have come together for weekend visits. But, we haven’t been able to get together with the entire family like we did back in the day. Time, distance, family commitments and the fact that my generation is busy producing and raising the next generation have kept us apart.
There have been virtual attempts, too. Various e-mail messages have been sent with intense discussions ensuing. But, inevitably someone has been left off the list and only gets part of the conversation. Or, someone forgets to reply to all. And there was one unfortunate incident where my sister decided to send a mass e-mail that she was planning to switch her college major to theology. A passionate and lengthy string of e-mails followed, which was great fun. The unfortunate part comes in that some of her friends were on that original message and found themselves on all the messages as we continued to reply all while discussing topics ranging from the world political order to Liberation Theology. I think those innocent bystanders were a little shell shocked to say the least!
In an attempt to better recreate that dining room table, I recently put together a simple group listserv for my family. While some embraced it fully from the start, there was initial hesitation from others. We’re still working out the kinks and I don't really know if technology can come close to recreating the feeling of that dining room table. What I do know is that I’m greatly looking forward to some in-depth and intense conversations about politics and religion. And, perhaps, a little family gossip as well!
Original post to DC Metro Moms. When Aimee Olivo isn’t talking politics and religion with her family she can be found talking about all sorts of other things at Smiling Mama or blogging about great family-friendly activities at Out by Ten.
Leticia- Tech Savvy Mama said...
I love that you created a listserv for your family! The next step is to check out Silver Spring based where you can create a family website and pass protect it. There you can use a template to create a site to share photos, schedule a family reunion using the calendar, and family members can write their own blog posts! It's free and easy and Tech Savvy Mama recommended!
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Can technology recreate the dining room table?
I have never understood the old adage that you shouldn’t ever discuss politics or religion. That’s because, growing up, politics and religion seemed to be the only two things my family did discuss.
I come from a big family. My mom’s the fourth of six kids and there are 18 first cousins. My mom and her siblings scattered after college but they all came home to my grandparents’ at least once--and often twice--a year. We'd cram into their modest house and sleep on beds, cots, the couch, floor and even, at times, someone was relegated to my grandfather’s old recliner. And the heart of their house was the dining room table. That’s where the action happened. Late into the night discussions of every topic on earth, but always either starting at or coming around to—you guessed it—politics and religion.
Continue reading over at DC Metro Moms....
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
I come from a big family. My mom’s the fourth of six kids and there are 18 first cousins. My mom and her siblings scattered after college but they all came home to my grandparents’ at least once--and often twice--a year. We'd cram into their modest house and sleep on beds, cots, the couch, floor and even, at times, someone was relegated to my grandfather’s old recliner. And the heart of their house was the dining room table. That’s where the action happened. Late into the night discussions of every topic on earth, but always either starting at or coming around to—you guessed it—politics and religion.
Continue reading over at DC Metro Moms....
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Favorite Things Friday: Cibu Shampoo

I'm featuring this shampoo as my Favorite Things Friday today because it totally rocks! I can truly feel the difference if I try to use another shampoo, even a volumizing one, instead of Shang High: my hair ends up flat and limp. Shang High (combined with mousse and hairspray) keeps my hair looking full and thick.
(Oh, and it is often on sale at my salon in the bulk size shampoo and conditioner for $20 which is much, much cheaper than buying the small bottle shown at left!)
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
One of the most amazing things to me about Lucas getting older is that we actually talk. As in, we have lovely little conversations. Yesterday after he woke up from his nap, he stumbled down the stairs to find me on the couch (taking a bit of a snooze myself, I'll admit!). He climbed right up to sit on me and asked what adventure we were going on today. We had a wonderful conversation about places to go and things to do. Comparing different parks, remembering the "airplane museum" and deciding what to do.
Now, he is only 3 1/2 so we have plenty of frustrating conversations and temper tantrums, too. But, it does seem that the calm and rational talks seem to be occurring more and more often. I truly savor each one. Not only is my baby growing up, but his mind works in the most incredible way and I love learning more about how he thinks.
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Now, he is only 3 1/2 so we have plenty of frustrating conversations and temper tantrums, too. But, it does seem that the calm and rational talks seem to be occurring more and more often. I truly savor each one. Not only is my baby growing up, but his mind works in the most incredible way and I love learning more about how he thinks.
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Monday, June 8, 2009
I realize I am getting precariously close to a situation of "she doth protest too much" but although I really don't mind getting older, I, nonetheless, would like to clarify that I turned 32 last week, not 33. Wednesday was the start of my 33rd year and at the end of my 33rd year of life--on June 3, 2010--I will turn 33. Just like you begin your first year of life the day you are born but end your first year of life by turning one.
After reading the horrible review The Washington Post gave Founding Farmers restaurant, Abel and I really should have changed the reservation for my birthday lunch on Thursday. But, we'd both been there before and had enjoyed it. After our meal, however, I will repeat: we really should have changed the reservation. It was very, very meh. At least the company was great.
Lucas is going to do a little one week, one hour a day soccer camp in two weeks. We bought him socks with shin guards in them yesterday afternoon. He put them on before bed last night is still wearing them. Something tells me he is going to be wearing them for most of the summer. It is freaking adorable.
Let's say you wanted to cook a few chicken breasts for the sole purpose of using them to make chicken salad. How would you cook them?
After reading the horrible review The Washington Post gave Founding Farmers restaurant, Abel and I really should have changed the reservation for my birthday lunch on Thursday. But, we'd both been there before and had enjoyed it. After our meal, however, I will repeat: we really should have changed the reservation. It was very, very meh. At least the company was great.
Lucas is going to do a little one week, one hour a day soccer camp in two weeks. We bought him socks with shin guards in them yesterday afternoon. He put them on before bed last night is still wearing them. Something tells me he is going to be wearing them for most of the summer. It is freaking adorable.
Let's say you wanted to cook a few chicken breasts for the sole purpose of using them to make chicken salad. How would you cook them?
Sorry for a lack of Favorite Things Friday this past week. I promise it will be back this week!
Original post by Smiling Mama.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!

I can't think of a better way to have begun my 33rd year than my two favorite boys singing "Happy Birthday Mama Lou!" to me this morning. I certainly don't mind getting older, but I have to say that 32 sounds quite old to me. In my head I'm only 28. I mean, by 32 a person is a real, true grown-up, aren't they? Even though I have all the trappings of being a grown up--a husband, a mortgage, a 3 year old son--and I drive a mini van for goodness sakes--I certainly don't feel like one.
My skin however, does feel like an old lady. It is definitely starting to show signs of my age. I've noticed recently that it just isn't as smooth and supple as it always was. In fact, parts of my face are flat out rough. And I'm growing chin hairs. Seriously. I know you can't see them with the naked eye (I've had Abel look) but I can feel them. When I run my fingers across my chin there are often 2-3 course hairs. Obviously I pluck them immediately. But, still. Chin hairs. Ugh.
Let's not focus on that however. Let's focus on my birthday present: an adorable 10" laptop! Just what I've been dreaming of. The perfect portable device to support my internet addiction. It should be arriving via amazon today. I happen to know this because Abel used my amazon account to order it (and therefore I got the confirmation e-mail) and also because he told me on Monday.
So here's to birthday cake for breakfast (yes, the second best way to begin your birthday!), birthday kisses from two adorable boys, and lovely little laptops!
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
My skin however, does feel like an old lady. It is definitely starting to show signs of my age. I've noticed recently that it just isn't as smooth and supple as it always was. In fact, parts of my face are flat out rough. And I'm growing chin hairs. Seriously. I know you can't see them with the naked eye (I've had Abel look) but I can feel them. When I run my fingers across my chin there are often 2-3 course hairs. Obviously I pluck them immediately. But, still. Chin hairs. Ugh.
Let's not focus on that however. Let's focus on my birthday present: an adorable 10" laptop! Just what I've been dreaming of. The perfect portable device to support my internet addiction. It should be arriving via amazon today. I happen to know this because Abel used my amazon account to order it (and therefore I got the confirmation e-mail) and also because he told me on Monday.
So here's to birthday cake for breakfast (yes, the second best way to begin your birthday!), birthday kisses from two adorable boys, and lovely little laptops!
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Lunch at my desk
1/2 head of baby bibb lettuce from this week's CSA share
several spears of CSA share asparagus marinated in a bit of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, S&P and grilled for last night's dinner
a few ounces of grilled chicken leftover from last night's dinner
a handful of pine nuts
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
39 is Divine
The big event that I was working this weekend was Reunion weekend at my alma mater which is also my employer. It was also my 10th Reunion and even though I had very low expectations, I had a really great time catching up with some of my former classmates.
The most incredible part of the entire weekend, though, was meeting and chatting with two ladies from the class of 1939 who were back for their 70th college reunion. Let me say that again: 70th college reunion!
Neither are local. One had traveled--solo!--on the train from Philadelphia and the other came from North Carolina with her daughter. What an inspiration these ladies were. They were so happy to be here, so full of spirit and life. One of the ladies told me about her study abroad experience during her college days. She lived in Paris for a semester! That must have been in 1937 or 1938. Can you imagine? The other brought a souvenir from the 1939 World's Fair, held in New York, which she worked at right after graduation. I told them both that I looked forward to seeing them again in 5 years and both heartily agreed.
One part of the weekend was an alumnae association meeting and the board members were encouraging alumnae to join Facebook as a networking tool. I was sitting behind one of the '39ers and she turned to ask me, "What's Facebook?" I answered that it was a way to connect with other people on the computer. She told me she was currently getting tutored on the computer and that she would join Facebook. I told her that if she did, I'd be her friend!
Something tells me that Facebook is going to be on the top of her agenda in her next tutoring session. I can't wait to see her there and in another 5 years back at our alma mater. If I live that long, I pray that I am as full of vigor as my fellow alumnae from the divine Class of 1939!
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
The most incredible part of the entire weekend, though, was meeting and chatting with two ladies from the class of 1939 who were back for their 70th college reunion. Let me say that again: 70th college reunion!
Neither are local. One had traveled--solo!--on the train from Philadelphia and the other came from North Carolina with her daughter. What an inspiration these ladies were. They were so happy to be here, so full of spirit and life. One of the ladies told me about her study abroad experience during her college days. She lived in Paris for a semester! That must have been in 1937 or 1938. Can you imagine? The other brought a souvenir from the 1939 World's Fair, held in New York, which she worked at right after graduation. I told them both that I looked forward to seeing them again in 5 years and both heartily agreed.
One part of the weekend was an alumnae association meeting and the board members were encouraging alumnae to join Facebook as a networking tool. I was sitting behind one of the '39ers and she turned to ask me, "What's Facebook?" I answered that it was a way to connect with other people on the computer. She told me she was currently getting tutored on the computer and that she would join Facebook. I told her that if she did, I'd be her friend!
Something tells me that Facebook is going to be on the top of her agenda in her next tutoring session. I can't wait to see her there and in another 5 years back at our alma mater. If I live that long, I pray that I am as full of vigor as my fellow alumnae from the divine Class of 1939!
Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!
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