Wednesday, May 25, 2011


If I was the kind of girl who could keep up with a daily project for more than a few days then I'd start taking a photo-a-day of the contents of Lucas's and my pockets!

The other day, just before his bath, Lucas pulled out a (beer) bottle cap, a feather, two rocks, a bead, and-- as the piece de resistance--a mangled and wilted handful of (what looked like) weeds mixed with grass mixed with dandelions (oh, do you call those weeds, too?), while exclaiming, "Oh, yeah, and my bouquet!"

And on another recent evening, I pulled out a small piece of glass (worn around the edges, but still obviously something I was trying to stop Nathaniel from eating!), an acorn, a sticker backing, a rock and a lego.

Lucas's pockets contain precious and prized possessions. Mine contain all the little pieces of stuff I take away from children throughout the day!

Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!

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Comments make my day. Thanks!