Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Totally Gonna' Do It


This is it.

I've made up my mind and am going to do it.

I've already told people about it. So, I have to do it. (My personal secret for making myself really do something: tell someone. When I don't tell anyone, I never end up doing whatever it is that will be hard to do!).

Man, I am scared.

But, it's just hair, right? It will grow back, right?

Afterall, my mom's been bald since about mid-January and she's handling it great.

What is it? Have you figured it out?

No, I'm not going to pull a Brittney and shave my head.

I'm going to cut off 10+ inches of hair and donate it to Locks of Love. More specifically, my wonderful, amazing stylist--whom I admittedly don't visit often enough, hence the ability to cut off 10 inches and still have hair left!--is going to do it. Tomorrow night. The appointment is made. The form is filled out. The envelope is ready.

Pictures coming soon!

P.S. Please, God, don't let me look hideous.

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