Friday, September 19, 2008

Thank you!

Happy National Thank You Day! (Thank you to Leticia at Being Savvy DC who alerted me to this wonderful day!) According to Being Savvy, this day was instituted by Merci Chocolates and the Emily Post Institute.

Think of the times you've received a genuine thank you. Wasn't it the best feeling? If only we would all take just a little time and make just a little effort to say thank you more often. What a difference it would make.

Personally I love writing thank you notes. Of course I genuinely want to thank the person to whom I'm writing, but secretly I love writing thank you notes because they allow me to indulge in my love of stationary! By using my lovely note cards on a regular basis I can justify purchasing more lovely note cards! A win win for sure!

In honor of National Thank You Day, I thank you, my dear readers, for indulging me and this blog.

Go ahead and hand write a thank you note this week! Not because you have to (like after your wedding or a baby shower) but just because. I promise the simple act will make you happy and will make the day of the person you thank.

1 comment:

Comments make my day. Thanks!