Sunday, March 29, 2009

Grace in Small Things, 8

1. Getting to "sleep in" almost every day this week because my mother-in-law got up with Lucas.

2. Watching Lucas splash with unadulterated joy in the pools of water in the courtyard of the National Portrait Gallery. (The water is just barely skimming the surface of the ground, maybe 1/16" deep. Yet, Lucas managed to get soaked. Oh well!)

3. Cherry Blossoms!

4. Seeing Hope in person. When we decided to visit the National Portrait Gallery, I hadn't realized that the Shepard Fairey portrait is on exhibit there. I was quite surprised by it as I rounded the corner. It is stunning and worth a visit. (But be sure to splash a bit in the courtyard while you're there!)

5. Bowling a strike! (My overall score, however, was pretty bad. Now, I would have beaten Barack Obama but there's no way I could beat the athletes in the Special Olympics.)

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