Friday, February 5, 2010

So little to do, I can't get anything done

I can't think of another time in my adult life where I felt like I had so little to do. I mean, I have a lot to keep me busy--any new mom knows how much time breastfeeding, burping and changing a newborn can take up. Not to mention the required sitting and cuddling.

My ever-present To Do list currently consists of the following:

-Return two calls to friends
-Schedule a "baby's first massage" for Nathaniel (I would have never thought of doing this on my own but the amazing woman who went to for several prenatal massages gave us a gift certificate for one as a baby gift!)
-Pump (yes, I had to write it down because I keep forgetting! And, we had a "date" planned for this weekend but it looks like that will be cancelled for sure.)
-Write thank you notes

Um, that's it.

Yes, there are other things I am doing--Abel and I are going through some boxes in storage to purge and consolidate and of course there's laundry and dishes and general clean-up.

But, in terms of actual important tasks, I've got nothing.

And, yet, I am totally feeling anxious about the things I am not getting done. The panic builds as I remember at midnight that another day went by without me returning that phone call. I try to remember that it was a message from a good friend who even said in the message that she'd try to call again and I didn't need to call her back. Or, I get anxious over the many unanswered e-mails lingering in my in-box.

It is so silly. I know it is silly. It's almost as though because I don't have work commitments or community group commitments at this moment then these relatively minor tasks have, in my mind, increased in importance.

You know what they say about if you want something done, give it to a busy person? Normally, I'm that busy person. Now that I'm not, I feel like I'm not getting anything done!


On another note, Nathaniel went 6 hours between feedings last night! Unfortunately, he was very fussy and crying for the first 2.5 hours of that so it doesn't mean I got 6 hours of sleep. But, we know it is possible, so that's a very good thing!


And, on yet another note...MORE SNOW IS COMING! I can't believe the crazy amount of snow this winter. Luckily, Nathaniel has been my wonderful excuse to get out of shoveling, etc. for the past several storms (I was either HUGELY preggo or just home from the hospital with him) but I'm looking forward to getting outside with Lucas for this one! We're ready with lots of hot chocolate, mini marshmallows and even the required cookie-baking ingredients!

Original post by Smiling Mama. Thanks for reading!

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