Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Works for Me! Library Books

Rocks in my Dryer was one of the first blogs I discovered when I started reading blogs and I love it! I'm so excited to participate in Shannon's Works for me Wednesday blogging extravaganza for the first time!

What works for me? Library books!

I've been working at my current job for just over 1.5 years and have only purchased 1 new book in that entire time! I work at a university and we're in a library consortium with many other local universities. I estimate that I read about 16 books each year, just over one each month. (And, since I've joined a second book club recently, this average is bound to increase!)

What do I do? I get all my books from the library!! (The one exception is the first book for my work book club, ironically, it was so new it wasn't available for checking out of any of the consortium libraries!)

If we assume I've read about 24 books in the last 1.5 years and that new books cost an average of $15 (these have mostly been books already in paperback) then I've saved approximately $360 since starting this job!

The Library Works for Me!!


  1. Today's my first day doing WFMW today. I like the books that you are reading...I'm a huge Jane Austen fan. I actually haven't read Sense and Sensibility yet, but I hope to get it for Christmas! I read a lot too, but I like to own the book since I like to go back to it, mark quotes, and lend them out. I get most of my books super cheap at used book stores or free as presents.

  2. I love our library and we check out "new" books every week.

  3. I LOVE THE LIBRARY! Toddler Story time - 7 day fast reads - new videos. I have a 2 year old dd so I don't get to browse as much as I used to. Now I browse on the library website and request all the books I want then they are waiting for me at the check out desk.

  4. We love the library too and check out about 30 books every other week (it will be 40 when my youngest gets her library card - can't you imagine me trying to keep up with THAT many :). I don't get many for me, but what we've saved in children's books is AMAZING. Plus we get to "try out" books before deciding to add them to our own library. Thanks for the tip!


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