Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Overheard Part II or In Which the Footnote is Longer Than the Original Post

I think Lucas could teach a thing or two to all those parents who need Supernanny's help! This is the conversation he had with Michael the firefighter on the way to the Doctor* this morning:

Lucas: (very sternly) No Michael. You sit. Two minutes. No hitting Kinky head. Two minutes Michael, okay?

*Yes, the Doctor. Lucas woke up with a red, swollen finger this morning. And, it was a little green around his nail: staph infection. Yeah, and he's been coughing so the Doctor listened to his chest: wheezing. Oh, and let's look at those ears, too: fluid.

Orders: soak the finger, antibiotics for the staph and ear infections and back on the nebulizer for the wheezing.

Fun times.

The thing is you'd never know this was a sick kid--no fever, sleeping well, eating well and crazy as ever.

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