Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Getting ready

I gobbled up cookies yesterday and have ashes on my forehead today. In past years I've given things up--most notably and regularly soda and chocolate. The thing is that I give up chocolate then suddenly become enamored with twizzlers or peanut butter cookies. So that really isn't much of a sacrifice, is it? And, when I try to give up sweets entirely, it just doesn't work. I'm just not strong enough for that kind of sacrifice. So, this year, I'm doing extra and one of those extras is committing to regular exercise. After all, our bodies are our temples, right?

Whether or not you do anything for Lent, you probably have some sort of fun Easter or spring celebratory tradition. I highly recommend the addition of cascarones to your celebration. Seriously, they are the best thing about marrying into a Mexican family. Well, that and the gorgeous brown hair and eyes and lovely skin tone (read: darker than my pasty white) my son was blessed with. Okay, that and they are a ton of fun. (But, really, it's the cascarones!)

Anyway, NOW is the time to start saving your eggs. Each time you bake or make eggs or whatever, don't crack them: just poke a hole in the top and drain them out. (Don't kill yourself here, the hole can be pretty big, you'll cover it with tissue paper later.) Then, rinse those shells and store them in the egg carton. By Easter (or spring or whatever!) you should have a good quantity. Then, simply follow my instructions here and commence fun!

And, as long as we are preparing for Easter, I'm also going to put a big note on my calendar to start growing wheat grass on Saturday, April 4, per Design Mom's detailed instructions. I've been drooling over her lovely Easter Baskets for two years now and am determined to have grass filled baskets for us this year!

1 comment:

  1. Those Easter baskets with the wheat grass are sooo cute! I've never seen that before. Make sure to post a picture of the ones that you make.


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